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You Can Support
You can support Supporting others do not necessarily require all your time and resources, it just need a good heart.
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Kindness is Infectious
Just a little act of kindness can put a smile on someone's face for a lifetime. life present us with an opportunity to do that daily. be kind to someone today.
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The Man on A Mission
There is always an opportunity to learn something new and become a better version of you. at wonder life rehabilitation center we offer them the opportunity to be productive to themselves and they are happily willing to learn
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Clean Water
and Save life

Good Health
and Care.

For the Goals


Our Initiative.

Wonder Life Care Mission Int'l (WOLCAM0 is a Socio-Humanitarian Organization and a f a i t h - b a s e d N o n - g o v e r n m e n t a l Organization (NGO).The home provides shelter, food, clothing, and psychological, medical, and spiritual needs for the mentally challenged person in the society.

The Foundation was established in 1996 by Rev. Dr. Godwin Udofah with a divine mandate to evacuate the homeless, helpless, and rejected mentally challenged persons from dangerous areas, roads, junctions, marketplaces, and urban beautification sites to heal/treat and rehabilitate them through capacity building/discipleship training programs. So far, 670 mentally incapacitated persons have been attended to in the Republic of Cameroun and Nigeria in 28 years of WOLCAM existence. These people have been healed/treated, restored, and reintegrated into society to contribute their quota to themselves and society.

Helping people those who in need

WONDER LIFE MENTAL REHABILITATION CENTER is a religious non-governmental organization located in Ikot Afanga, Oruk Anam, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, with a social conscience and a mission to meet the physical, psychological, medical, and spiritual needs of the community's mentally challenged members.

We’re here to support people with mental disabilities

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Our aims and objectives.

How you can help

Some people donate to the missions by attending them, while others attend the missions by contributing to them. Missions are impossible without either. You can choose from a variety of ways to support our mission.

Sponsor A Project

Some give to the mission by giving themselves to the mission. You can be part of the process by volunteering, this is by taking parts in the implementation process of our projects.

Make A Dontation

Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. You be part of the mission by making donations of cash, food, and materials to help provide sucor to our patients.

Become An Advocate

We must stand up for the weak and pay attention to the powerful. We must be compassionate and empathic toward those in need if society is to advance. As advocates, you represent our patients’ needs and rights to the public by speaking out on their behalf. We need a voice, speak for us today.

October 10, 2023

Mental Health Is A Universal Human Right

WMHD 2023 Official Theme

Some Moments From
Our Camp

Success Stories

In the Republic of Cameroun and Nigeria, 422 mentally disabled people have received care to date; of these, 372 have received treatment, rehabilitated, and reintegrated into society, as well as being with their families. 65 individuals with persistent psycho-social issues are currently receiving various levels of care and rehabilitation in the camp. We are the carriers of real hope to the world without hope. Then join us to see the development so far.

Some Moments From
Our Camp

Would you like to make a difference?

Support our humanitarian causes by donating

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